Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Seeker by Arwen Elys Dayton

I'm going to be honest. The author's name is what pulled me to this book. It is a beautiful, whimsical name. It screams fantasy to me, which I feed off of. Give me magic, give me elves or fairies, give me deep dark haunting forests and I will thrive. 

This book though---not that. *sigh*

Small spoilers ahead.

3.5 stars.

I will definitely continue the series only because there are so many unanswered questions. There was so much going on in this book that I had a hard time attaching any emotion to the characters. I don't really hate the ones I am supposed to hate and I don't really love the ones I am supposed to love.

Unless I missed the explanation, I still don't really understand what the point of a Seeker is. What is their purpose? Hence the reason why I will continue reading the series. I did listen to this on audio-book so- perhaps, my children were screaming during the explanation. 

As far as John is concerned, I am at a loss of what he is trying to accomplish other than revenge. He wants to be different and stop all the killing among Seekers, yet he is okay with killing 'for the greater good.' It is too weak of a trope for me to fall for it. 

Quinn is interesting but only during the second half of the book. The first half, she is being raised and trained to a honorable warrior only to find out she is a pawn in her father's corrupt enterprise. But she does nothing about it...seems a bit too contrived for me. It almost seems like the author wants you to believe she was/is a victim of abuse and therefore can be forgiven for her part in the murders. That is not a train I can get on. Quinn is painted as a strong-don't mess with me-fighter, but in the end she is just a little puppet-girl scared of her daddy. Basically the only characters who aren't running away from their problems in this book are the bad guys, or the perceived bad guys. *shrug* We will see where this series takes me. Perhaps it will be one where the second book is way better.

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