Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

I love this author.... I know I know, Sarah J. Maas has been around for awhile and A Court of Thorns and Roses is not her debut novel. But it was for me.

This book is so well written with a wonderful retelling of Beauty and the Beast, it has just made me so happy. Although I would not consider it YA.

She doesn't just describe the setting she makes you feel the setting. Sarah Maas has the skill that allows all of your senses to activate. Your smell, your taste, the shiver down your spine are all participating in this experience.

****Small Spoiler****
Now the story-the plot itself..... it was enjoyable. It was well thought out and the character development is strong and it leaves you hanging for sure. It doesn't start out with a love triangle, which hooked me because as many f you know I am so over that trope.
But by the end of the book, you're wondering.......really really wondering what if....oh I like him more.......what is she thinking.......who is he?? Complete with a deep throat growl that makes your husband look at you like you are such a geek.

(Note to Hubby: After 10 years honey, I'm pretty sure my geek traits shouldn't surprise you).

I want this book on my shelf, but I will resist the urge book buying gives me until the series is complete.
I will resist
I will resist
I will resist......

Not to mention the Book cover is stunning.

1 comment:

  1. on hold for me at the library! ;) thanks for the reccommend!
